On The Hot Seat
09/09/2019 7:30pm
09/09/2019 7:30pm
这期的《On The Hot Seat》,我们邀请了
宪法专家 赛沙林教授 Prof. Shad Saleem Faruqi
英迪拉行动小组(INGAT)主席 Arun Dorasamy
伊斯兰姐妹财务及营运主任 莎莉娜 Shareena Sheriff
1小时前新加坡Mama on Palette创始人兼主席 余跃波 | Alice Yu, Mama on Palette, Singapore余跃波在26岁时成为母亲时,面临着巨大的育儿压力。但这段充满挑战的时期也为她通过艺术实现自我转变奠定了基础,这种转变不仅重振了她自己的生活,还激励她创建了Mama on Palette组织,致力于帮助新加坡的母亲们通过艺术表达来管理心理健康。 When Alice Yu became a mother at 26, she faced the overwhelming pressures of motherhood. This challenging period, however, set the stage for a remarkable transformation through art that not only revitalized her own life but also inspired the creation of Mama on Palette, an organization dedicated to helping mothers in Singapore manage mental health through artistic expression.
1小时前新加坡舞者兼演员 张丽玲 | Claire Teo, dancer and actress, Singapore张丽玲说,她在戏剧中找到了自己的声音。她是一名表演者、艺术教育者和社会工作顾问,同时也是一名盲人。张丽玲是第一位从新加坡拉萨尔艺术学院毕业的视障人士。毕业后,她在自己的领域发光发热。但她最大的愿望是让社会意识到残疾人并不是负担,而是推动变革的契机。 Claire Teo says that she has found her voice in theater. She is a performer, arts educator and a social work consultant — and she is blind. Claire was the first visually impaired person to graduate from Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore. Since then, she has celebrated many successes. But her biggest desire is for society to realize disabled people are not a burden but an opportunity for change.
3小时前泰国Potong餐厅主厨兼老板 皮查雅·松通亚那吉 Pam | Pichaya Soontornyanakij, Pam, Retaurant Potong Thailand皮查雅·松通亚那吉(Pichaya Soontornyanakij),昵称“Pam”,在泰国曼谷有一家自己的餐厅。她不仅想为食客提供美味佳肴,还想展现自己家族的文化传承。她的餐厅主打泰式中餐,开在祖先150年前从中国来到泰国时建造的房子里。她的美食和文化经验为她赢得了米其林一星的荣誉。 Pichaya Soontornyanakij, aka “Pam” not only wanted to serve excellent food, but she also wanted to showcase her family’s heritage when she opened her own restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand. Her restaurant serving Thai Chinese cuisine is in the house her ancestors built when they arrived from China 150 years ago. So, it is both her food and her experience that have earned her a Michelin star.
16小时前“气球小贩风波”3执法员暂时停职 彭王子探病 苏丹有话说吉隆坡市政局(DBKL)执法员取缔无牌气球小贩引发冲突,3名执法员已被停职接受调查。彭亨王子也到医院探望伤者“气球哥”,转交慰问金。而对于商贩与执法员的行为,彭亨苏丹也有话说。 3月30日 #百格大事纪,有 #锦隆 为你汇整今日重点时事。 👉 因孩子被撞怒火中烧 男子暴打女司机被捕 👉 气球小贩风波 3执法员暂停职 👉 彭亨王子探望“气球哥” 转交慰问金 👉 马来西亚 真是地震安全区? 👉 误信赴狮城工作 华男惨变猪仔 2天后获救 👉 第19届海外华文书市 一连九天盛大举办 👉 频助超重病患 医护员脊椎越来越弯 👉 轿车撞上脱落轮胎 失控撞飞摩托骑士 👉 缅甸强震 曼谷第2高楼来回摇晃 👉 单亲妈抱婴儿送餐 老板助温暖过节 订阅《#百格》,开启小铃铛🔔,别错过国内外新闻动态!👇
20小时前印尼Lit Bakehouse主厨兼老板 拉莉塔·塞蒂安迪 | Lalita Setiandi, Lit Bakehouse, Indonesia有人告诉她,她的面包店对于唐人街的小巷来说过于高档。拉莉塔·塞蒂安迪(Lalita Setiandi) 却有不同的看法,她在印尼雅加达开设了面包店Lit Bakehouse。她并不认为糕点是奢侈品,邻居们也十分认同,都来品尝她制作的美味羊角面包、蛋糕和饼干。此外,拉莉塔的面包店也成了邻里之间交流联系的中心。 She was told that her bakery was too high-end for an alley in Chinatown. But Lalita Setiandi had a different opinion and opened Lit Bakehouse in Jakarta, Indonesia. She did not see pastries as a luxury and the neighbors agreed with her: they were ready for her delicious croissants, cakes and cookies. And even more: Lalita’s bakery became a hub for the neighbors to connect.
23小时前DBKL取缔气球小贩风波 | 小贩哭诉只为求生计 阿克马承诺替讨公道并承担医疗费多名DBKL执法人员同步围堵无牌马来小贩,迅速没收气球等商品后爆发激烈冲突的事件,引起热议。巫青团长阿克马强调,巫青团将为小贩争取公道并共同承担所有医疗费用,同时提醒当局无权凭借自己的权势如此迫害民众。 另外,伊党亚娄区国会议员沙希淡的官员探访了气球小贩,而小贩否认当天已经三次被驱赶的说法,并澄清自己不是外籍人士。 重点内容: (1)DBKL取缔气球小贩掀议 律师:公务员非法律豁免者 (2)气球小贩诉说遭遇 阿克马承诺替讨公道 (3)气球小贩请求沙希淡帮忙 盼获营业执照 (4)昔日对手如今朋友 黄瑞林探望患癌嘉马 (5)涉索1000万助摆脱案件 丹斯里商人返国在家被捕 (6)载鞭炮车着火 火花四射 (7)涉头盔攻击52岁男 27岁青年已落网 (8)SMART救援队出发 赴缅甸提供援助
24小时前巴基斯坦科技创业者 伊莎·谢赫 | Eesha Sheikh, tech entrepreneur, Pakistan伊莎·谢赫(Eesha Sheikh)小时候被欺凌,并被人贴上“真人果冻甜甜圈”的标签,这一切都对她的自我认知和生活造成了严重的负面影响。身体羞辱的伤害是普遍的,不仅存在于巴基斯坦。自我接纳的过程十分艰难,但她成功了,还发明了一款应用程序,帮助他人感受到身体的美好。 Being bullied as a child and labeled a human jelly doughnut had a severe negative impact on Eesha Sheikh’s self-image and her life. Body shaming works — not only in Pakistan. The journey to self-acceptance was a tough one. But she made it and invented an app to help others to feel good in their body.
1天前印尼Setali联合创始人 因坦·安吉塔·普拉蒂维 | Intan Anggita Pratiwie, Setali Indonesia你是否有不想要的破旧衬衫?别扔!把它交给因坦·安吉塔·普拉蒂维(Intan Anggita Pratiwie),她会把你的旧衣物变成全新的时装。这位来自印度尼西亚的回收艺术家兼可持续时尚研究者是Setali的联合创始人。这是一家致力于可持续时尚的社会企业,希望将可持续时尚推广至大众。 Have you got an old worn-out shirt you don’t want anymore? Don’t throw it away! Rather, give it to Intan Anggita Pratiwie and she will turn your textile waste into a brand-new piece of fashion. The recycling artist and sustainable fashion researcher from Indonesia is the co-founder of Setali. A social enterprise that is committed to sustainable fashion and wants to make it inclusive so that it can reach all people.
1小时前新加坡Mama on Palette创始人兼主席 余跃波 | Alice Yu, Mama on Palette, Singapore余跃波在26岁时成为母亲时,面临着巨大的育儿压力。但这段充满挑战的时期也为她通过艺术实现自我转变奠定了基础,这种转变不仅重振了她自己的生活,还激励她创建了Mama on Palette组织,致力于帮助新加坡的母亲们通过艺术表达来管理心理健康。 When Alice Yu became a mother at 26, she faced the overwhelming pressures of motherhood. This challenging period, however, set the stage for a remarkable transformation through art that not only revitalized her own life but also inspired the creation of Mama on Palette, an organization dedicated to helping mothers in Singapore manage mental health through artistic expression.
1小时前新加坡舞者兼演员 张丽玲 | Claire Teo, dancer and actress, Singapore张丽玲说,她在戏剧中找到了自己的声音。她是一名表演者、艺术教育者和社会工作顾问,同时也是一名盲人。张丽玲是第一位从新加坡拉萨尔艺术学院毕业的视障人士。毕业后,她在自己的领域发光发热。但她最大的愿望是让社会意识到残疾人并不是负担,而是推动变革的契机。 Claire Teo says that she has found her voice in theater. She is a performer, arts educator and a social work consultant — and she is blind. Claire was the first visually impaired person to graduate from Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore. Since then, she has celebrated many successes. But her biggest desire is for society to realize disabled people are not a burden but an opportunity for change.
3小时前泰国Potong餐厅主厨兼老板 皮查雅·松通亚那吉 Pam | Pichaya Soontornyanakij, Pam, Retaurant Potong Thailand皮查雅·松通亚那吉(Pichaya Soontornyanakij),昵称“Pam”,在泰国曼谷有一家自己的餐厅。她不仅想为食客提供美味佳肴,还想展现自己家族的文化传承。她的餐厅主打泰式中餐,开在祖先150年前从中国来到泰国时建造的房子里。她的美食和文化经验为她赢得了米其林一星的荣誉。 Pichaya Soontornyanakij, aka “Pam” not only wanted to serve excellent food, but she also wanted to showcase her family’s heritage when she opened her own restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand. Her restaurant serving Thai Chinese cuisine is in the house her ancestors built when they arrived from China 150 years ago. So, it is both her food and her experience that have earned her a Michelin star.
16小时前“气球小贩风波”3执法员暂时停职 彭王子探病 苏丹有话说吉隆坡市政局(DBKL)执法员取缔无牌气球小贩引发冲突,3名执法员已被停职接受调查。彭亨王子也到医院探望伤者“气球哥”,转交慰问金。而对于商贩与执法员的行为,彭亨苏丹也有话说。 3月30日 #百格大事纪,有 #锦隆 为你汇整今日重点时事。 👉 因孩子被撞怒火中烧 男子暴打女司机被捕 👉 气球小贩风波 3执法员暂停职 👉 彭亨王子探望“气球哥” 转交慰问金 👉 马来西亚 真是地震安全区? 👉 误信赴狮城工作 华男惨变猪仔 2天后获救 👉 第19届海外华文书市 一连九天盛大举办 👉 频助超重病患 医护员脊椎越来越弯 👉 轿车撞上脱落轮胎 失控撞飞摩托骑士 👉 缅甸强震 曼谷第2高楼来回摇晃 👉 单亲妈抱婴儿送餐 老板助温暖过节 订阅《#百格》,开启小铃铛🔔,别错过国内外新闻动态!👇
20小时前印尼Lit Bakehouse主厨兼老板 拉莉塔·塞蒂安迪 | Lalita Setiandi, Lit Bakehouse, Indonesia有人告诉她,她的面包店对于唐人街的小巷来说过于高档。拉莉塔·塞蒂安迪(Lalita Setiandi) 却有不同的看法,她在印尼雅加达开设了面包店Lit Bakehouse。她并不认为糕点是奢侈品,邻居们也十分认同,都来品尝她制作的美味羊角面包、蛋糕和饼干。此外,拉莉塔的面包店也成了邻里之间交流联系的中心。 She was told that her bakery was too high-end for an alley in Chinatown. But Lalita Setiandi had a different opinion and opened Lit Bakehouse in Jakarta, Indonesia. She did not see pastries as a luxury and the neighbors agreed with her: they were ready for her delicious croissants, cakes and cookies. And even more: Lalita’s bakery became a hub for the neighbors to connect.
23小时前DBKL取缔气球小贩风波 | 小贩哭诉只为求生计 阿克马承诺替讨公道并承担医疗费多名DBKL执法人员同步围堵无牌马来小贩,迅速没收气球等商品后爆发激烈冲突的事件,引起热议。巫青团长阿克马强调,巫青团将为小贩争取公道并共同承担所有医疗费用,同时提醒当局无权凭借自己的权势如此迫害民众。 另外,伊党亚娄区国会议员沙希淡的官员探访了气球小贩,而小贩否认当天已经三次被驱赶的说法,并澄清自己不是外籍人士。 重点内容: (1)DBKL取缔气球小贩掀议 律师:公务员非法律豁免者 (2)气球小贩诉说遭遇 阿克马承诺替讨公道 (3)气球小贩请求沙希淡帮忙 盼获营业执照 (4)昔日对手如今朋友 黄瑞林探望患癌嘉马 (5)涉索1000万助摆脱案件 丹斯里商人返国在家被捕 (6)载鞭炮车着火 火花四射 (7)涉头盔攻击52岁男 27岁青年已落网 (8)SMART救援队出发 赴缅甸提供援助
24小时前巴基斯坦科技创业者 伊莎·谢赫 | Eesha Sheikh, tech entrepreneur, Pakistan伊莎·谢赫(Eesha Sheikh)小时候被欺凌,并被人贴上“真人果冻甜甜圈”的标签,这一切都对她的自我认知和生活造成了严重的负面影响。身体羞辱的伤害是普遍的,不仅存在于巴基斯坦。自我接纳的过程十分艰难,但她成功了,还发明了一款应用程序,帮助他人感受到身体的美好。 Being bullied as a child and labeled a human jelly doughnut had a severe negative impact on Eesha Sheikh’s self-image and her life. Body shaming works — not only in Pakistan. The journey to self-acceptance was a tough one. But she made it and invented an app to help others to feel good in their body.
1天前印尼Setali联合创始人 因坦·安吉塔·普拉蒂维 | Intan Anggita Pratiwie, Setali Indonesia你是否有不想要的破旧衬衫?别扔!把它交给因坦·安吉塔·普拉蒂维(Intan Anggita Pratiwie),她会把你的旧衣物变成全新的时装。这位来自印度尼西亚的回收艺术家兼可持续时尚研究者是Setali的联合创始人。这是一家致力于可持续时尚的社会企业,希望将可持续时尚推广至大众。 Have you got an old worn-out shirt you don’t want anymore? Don’t throw it away! Rather, give it to Intan Anggita Pratiwie and she will turn your textile waste into a brand-new piece of fashion. The recycling artist and sustainable fashion researcher from Indonesia is the co-founder of Setali. A social enterprise that is committed to sustainable fashion and wants to make it inclusive so that it can reach all people.