
巴基斯坦环球小姐 艾丽卡·罗宾 | Erica Robin Miss Universe Pakistan
艾丽卡·罗宾(Erica Robin)成为巴基斯坦有史以来第一位环球小姐时,对巴基斯坦来说是历史性的时刻,但却在社交媒体上引起了轩然大波。许多人认为这是“可耻”的,并质疑一位来自卡拉奇的基督徒能否在全球舞台上代表高度保守的巴基斯坦。但艾丽卡决心打破刻板印象,并成功赢得了国人的心。 It was a historic moment for Pakistan when Erica Robin was crowned the country’s first-ever Miss Universe Pakistan. But it caused a stir on social media. Many called it “shameful” and doubted that a Christian from Karachi could represent deeply conservative Pakistan on the global stage. But Erica was ready to break stereotypes and managed to win the hearts of the nation.

马来西亚摔跤手 诺尔·凤凰·戴安娜 | Nor “Phoenix” Diana wrestler Malaysia
诺尔·“凤凰”·戴安娜(Nor ‘Phoenix’ Diana)在16岁时通过电子游戏接触到了摔跤,并因此深深着迷。她希望自己也能成为一名摔跤手。但是,在马来西亚——作为一名女性,且戴着头巾,她该如何实现这个梦想呢?尽管面临许多阻力,诺尔·戴安娜并未放弃,最终成为世界上第一位戴头巾的女性摔跤手。虽然经历了许多挑战,但诺尔·戴安娜赢得了粉丝们的喜爱,并证明了头巾并不是实现梦想的障碍。 Nor ‘Phoenix’ Diana discovered wrestling through video games when she was 16 and became obsessed. She wanted to become a wrestler herself. But how? In Malaysia. As a woman! Wearing a hijab! She didn’t give up and became the first hijabi female wrestler in the world. There were headwinds, but Nor Diana won the hearts of fans and proved that a hijab is no obstacle to realizing your dream.